De-constructing fashion lighting and nude lighting techniques.


If you are not a member you will not be able to read these great informative how to shoot fashion photography articles in the future.  They will soon only be available to members.


You will learn Bruce's many lighting and shooting techniques using available natural lighting, continuous lighting and flash lighting and tips from just about all of the various lighting and shooting situations that Bruce has learned to create over his 30 + years shooting high profile fashion photographers assignments all over the world for some amazing fashion clients.


Bruce's lighting philosophy is do not light the model, light the scene, find good light or create good light and place your model or subject in the best of the light..


Many thanks for reading.


Bruce Smith




   Did you enjoy this article?  Yes or no, please message us with your answer to Bruce direct. To receive a notice of when the next article or feature is published, register for the newsletter mailing list. These will be available to members only very soon so don't miss out, register now. Back to : News features and articles page this is on the old website, use back arrow to return. Choose the next lighting technique.   





 1-2-1 fashion or fine art nudes photography master classes Especially designed for any level of skill and around your own personal objectives are as a photographer 



 5 day mentored fashion or fine art nude photography portfolio development fashion photography workshops This workshop is only held twice per year, April and August 2017 which will be the last workshop of its kind,in future Bruce will be concentrating on his personal work and will only be operating 1-2-1 master classes. 



 Register to the newsletter And receive a free 120 page download e-book guide to shooting a fashion magazine editorial 




nudes photography lighting techniques


How to light, shoot and do some simple quick post production in Photoshop for a beautiful sensual fine art nude photographic portrait with a touch of old wet photography darkroom techniques.





location fashion photography lighting techniques

Location fashion photography lighting technique two:





studio beauty and fashion photography lighting techniques

Fashion and beauty studio photography lighting technique three:



one light studio beauty lighting techniques

Studio fashion photography lighting technique four:


Studio lighting techniques using one strobes flash light set up.


location fashion photography available light lighting techniques using Califonia Sunbounce

Location fashion photography lighting technique five:


Finding amazing available light for fashion in the shade of the trees along with how to use to its very best with just a simple reflectors.


how to produce an editorial fashion shoot on location fashion photography lighting techniques


Creating a realistic looking lighting for a show girl dressing room set up using simple props and a home made lighting rig.